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SMLserver Packages
Installing Binary Packages
To install a binary SMLserver tgz-package on a Linux box, see the
installation instructions in the README_BIN file.
Building SMLserver from the Sources
To build SMLserver from the sources, checkout the appropriate version
from the Subversion repository, as described below. Then follow the
instructions in the README file.
SVN Source Checkout
To checkout the sources from the SourceForge subversion repository trunk, execute the following command from a UNIX shell:
$ svn co https://mlkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlkit/trunk/kit kit
For installation, follow the instructions in the file README_SMLSERVER.
Each release is tagged - see the list of tags
to find the tag for the release you want to checkout.
To checkout version 4.3.6 of the MLKit sources, which includes SMLserver, execute the following shell command:
$ svn co https://mlkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlkit/tags/mlkit-4.3.6/kit mlkit-4.3.6
For installation, follow the instructions in the file README_SMLSERVER.
webmaster at smlserver.org |